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Barbara Bibik

dr hab. Barbara Bibik EN

dr hab. Barbara Bibik EN 300 260 Krajowy Fundusz na rzecz Dzieci

It is deeply fascinating to spend time with young people: to watch them grow, to see how their mindsets and worldviews change, how they open up to one another or to themselves. All this happens in the Polish Children’s Fund – and that is why I am here.

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Ania Łeń

Ania Łeń EN

Ania Łeń EN 300 261 Krajowy Fundusz na rzecz Dzieci

The Fund not only enabled me to participate in some thought-provoking classes that my own school would never have been able to offer, but it also motivated me to do other things and get involved in other initiatives, to apply to foreign universities and for research internships abroad. Thanks to…

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Agnieszka Hoja

Agnieszka Hoja EN

Agnieszka Hoja EN 300 260 Krajowy Fundusz na rzecz Dzieci

I have decided to become a volunteer for the Polish Children’s Fund because I feel grateful for the inspiration and support I received in the Fund throughout all those years, and for having been given such wonderful opportunities to develop my interests and to meet fascinating people. When I enthuse…

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Igor Kraszewski

dr hab. Igor Kraszewski EN

dr hab. Igor Kraszewski EN 300 260 Krajowy Fundusz na rzecz Dzieci

Being part of the Polish Children’s Fund means enjoying the company of fantastically motivated people. Those participating in the Fund’s camps – both students and mentors – leave feeling incredibly inspired and intellectually stimulated. When I lack motivation, I try to recall the Fund’s workshops, their lively atmosphere, and all…

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Joanna Macnar EN

Joanna Macnar EN 300 252 Krajowy Fundusz na rzecz Dzieci

The most important thing I have been taught by the Polish Children’s Fund is that one should always believe in people’s potential and not judge them by their achievements alone. Instead, our focus ought to be on their interests and on what they have to say. I try to implement…

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Dr Krzysztof Wojewodzic EN

Dr Krzysztof Wojewodzic EN 300 260 Krajowy Fundusz na rzecz Dzieci

The Polish Children’s Fund is an organisation whose impact on my life cannot be overestimated. It made it possible for me to meet fantastic teachers and like-minded peers with whom I continue to share my experience and collaborate on engineering projects. It is thanks to the Fund that I changed…

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